Puffco Plus - Concentrate Vaporizer
The most awarded and flavorful concentrate vape pen ever, now even more improved.
The Plus mouthpiece combines a loading tool, splash guard, and carb cap all in one! The dart can be easily extended by pressing down on the silicone top, allowing you to scoop concentrates with ease.
If you have high quality concentrates, there’s no better mobile vaporizer for dabbing.
A Puffco exclusive innovation: We combined a carb cap, loading tool, and splash guard all built into the mouthpiece. You can extend the dart by pressing down on the mouthpiece tip to make loading a clean and easy experience.
Coil-Less Ceramic Bowl
Puffco innovated a pressure-sealed bowl, which evenly heats your oil instead of scorching it with coils. Providing the purest flavour.
3 Heat Settings
The freedom to select your own desired heat modes based on your consumption priorities and load size. From a light flavourful hit, to a thick smoke cloud.
Sesh-Mode Functionality
A Puffco exclusive innovation: Puffco pioneered a 12 second continuous heat mode by double tapping the button, instead of having to hold it. They give you a full medicated dose.